Health Information Systems

A developing area in healthcare that is supposed to enhance the quality of care given to patients is health information technology or medical information technology. The purpose of HIT is to eliminate and prevent medical errors completely. Basically, HIT is when health information is exchanged in an electronic environment. HIT professionals make use of health information systems and are tasked with several responsibilities that consist of maintaining the privacy and security of electronic health information during transmission.

HIS are systems that many use for analyzing information obtained from various resources. The data gathered is used for health services management. These include computers and also clinical guidelines that are utilized in medical research, patient care, and other portions of health care.

Technicians of health information systems are given duties that have to do with compiling, processing, maintaining medical files and data of hospital and clinical patients. This is achieved in a way that abides by legal, medical, ethical, administrative, and regulatory requirements of the medical system. Those who want to enter this industry will have to earn a degree in this field and get certified as well. With certification you will have more opportunities available, along with better pay.

The Evolution Of Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems And The Singularity

If one had to design a health care system that would seem doomed to failure one might start with one in which the providers of care were fragmented, independent and driven through the reimbursement system to provide ever more services that generate higher income on a fee for service basis. The system would provide care to patients who were isolated from the economic costs of the services by third party payments, through employer funded insurance coverage. Third party payers would make their money through reducing premium payouts, by simply delaying or not paying out what they contracted to provide or extorting deep provider discounts in exchange for directed volume. The approach to care of individual patients would be ad hoc, without significant oversight. Severely ill patients would be passed back and forth by all providers like the black queen of spades in a deck of cards. Bad debts would be written off as "charity care." Insurance premiums would rise faster than the world's oceans in global warming. Sound familiar?

Unfortunately, in an contentious and polarized political democracy little can be done to re-design an antiquated, inefficient, ineffective, and bankrupting cowboy system of health care delivery in a focused, comprehensive way that will likely make a real difference. There are just too many moving parts and special interests involved. There is, however, an incremental change underway as a result of the recent health care reform efforts that have the potential to morph the system into a paradigm that makes more practical sense. Medicare will be providing contracts with Accountable Care Organizations that will have to become clinically integrated systems of efficient hospitals and care providers in order to obtain adequate reimbursement. Expect to see these new systems expanding in the private sector as well.

A Socialized Health Care System Requires Population Control and Impeccable Registries

In a nationalized health care system, you need to know who is who - otherwise the system could never be able determine who is entitled. The structure depends on how the system is created and designed, but with a nationalized health care system you will be tracked by the state where you reside and how you move in a manner that is unseen in America. The nationalized health care system becomes a vehicle for population control.

If you leave the United States and are no longer a resident of the state, even if you are a citizen and might maintain a driving license, you will have to report immediately if you want to avoid the 13% health care tax. I use the number 13% as it is in Sweden to exemplify the actual tax pressure that is laid upon you for the nationalized health care.

Let's say you moved and you do not want to pay the 13% tax for services you do not receive, can receive, or want to taken out from the tax roll. The mammoth entity has no interest to let you go so easy. You will end up having to reveal your private life - partner, dwellings, travel, money, and job to prove your case that you have the right to leave the public health care system and do not need to pay the tax. If you have to seek an appeal, your information could be a part of administrative court documents that are open and public documents. As soon as you return to the United States, you will be automatically enrolled again and the taxes start to pile up.

Cash Cow For Crooks - Our American Healthcare System

The American Healthcare System is pandemic in fraud and that needs to be taken care of first before we can save real money in the system. We could save multi-billions if the system was revamped and the opportunity for easy money was eliminated. I know what a debacle our healthcare system is in, I spent months preparing my company for Medicaid and Medicare approval. It reminds me of taking a dry towel every 5 minutes to dry off when you're standing in the rain. There seems to be no end to redundancy and complexity. A system in complete dissaray and bleeding profusely.

I know this as a fact since I spent months getting the necessary requirements for my companies approval for Medicaid and Medicare. Just to get the process started you have to get approved and checked by no less than three clearing-houses. What a nightmare.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about IT and cross operational platforms to help reduce costs and save us from high medical expenses. Our government and most consumers havn't got a clue how our Healthcare System works and how the system has turned into a "Cash Cow" for the crooks. The system is 'Bleeding Profusely", and it will take more than a bandaid to fix it.

Improve Your Healthcare Handling and Mobility Systems

Efficiency in the health care sector is essential to making the most of available staff and resources. There are so many vital jobs being performed at every moment - you can't afford to lose time during any process or day-to-day operation.

Mobility and handling solutions make patient and supply transport a breeze while having platform and stair lifts installed can give patients and visitors who suffer with mobility issues and disabilities newfound independence and their own means to move around your facility. Creating more time and minimising the workload for staff is entirely possible with an investment in new mobility systems.

Handling and Towing Systems

Hospital bed movers are one of the most popular additions to any facility that can make for a more efficient working environment. Taking a job that may require more than one staff member and making it easy for any one person to perform is an excellent way to simplify otherwise taxing tasks and duties. Battery powered handling systems take the effort out of lifting and maneuvering otherwise heavy loads and patient beds; the only effort required by the operator is in navigation.

Human Resource Management and Health Care Systems

Did you ever know that in the health care systems and services, the human resource management plays a great role? Yes, this is absolutely true especially in the global context because studies and researches have shown that their management techniques have largely helped to improve the health of the patient to a great extent. In fact, the health care and the management of the resources are very much linked to each other and there are several key factors that can help them to go with each other and work successfully. This in turn proves to be fruitful for the entire health care organization as well.

It is no doubt true that the human resource management is indeed essential and important part of any health care system. They work in such a way so that they can improve the overall model of the heal care. Though there are several challenges existing in the field of health care in the recent days yet these challenges are solved effectively by the management services to get overall success. The challenges faced might be of many different kinds and these challenges are examined and studied in various different ways by the organization to bring out an effective solution.

It is the proper implementation of the strategies of the human resource department that helps in finding out the right approach that should be taken to sort out the various different problems that might come in the way. Different places have different functioning in the health care systems and it is on the basis of these different functions that the effective solution is tried to be found out. The skill and the expertise of the different people involved in the department helps them to manage all the different resources effectively in any kind of situation.

Wireless Temperature Monitoring for Health Care Institutions

The monitoring and logging of temperature and moisture content in hospital and other health care centers is of prime importance. This fact holds true particularly in labs and for storage of items such as blood and tissue samples. Such controlled areas need sophisticated equipment to maintain relevant levels of heat or cold and humidity. A medicine that is efficiently stored under controlled temperatures is helpful for patients with any infection, illness or malady. If it is not stored at the right temperature, it is possible they will rot and won't work properly and little improvement will be noticed by the patient. In serious cases, doctors may change the dosage that can encourage dependency or can affect immunity. That's why right temperature maintenance is always required at health care institutions and labs.

A wireless temperature monitoring system automatically functions by collecting data. This can significantly reduce the number of employees you have hired for temperature monitoring and control and can prove quite cost effective. The money saved from this can be put to some other productive use that will further allow the hospital to better the facilities available with them. An automatic system is far superior to its manual counterpart and its accuracy is impossible to beat. In case of manned monitoring there is every possible errors of negligence or errors and this can put patient's life and hospital's reputation at risk. With wireless temperature monitoring systems all such errors can be eliminated and it can provide a record for hospital management. Additionally, such systems function with compact wireless devices and run on batteries.

With wireless temperature monitoring systems, you can have the latest equipment, and since these can be easily programmed, you can adjust their usage as per your specific needs. Once the whole systems have been programmed, you don't need to make any further changes unless these are required. And if the need arises, the changes can be easily made with the whole systems can be reprogrammed just in a short while. The suppliers of such systems can offer guidelines and a handy manual that will allow handle the equipment and keeps it functioning properly. This is certainly a better way to maintain critical temperatures at health units. Besides that it reduces manual inputs and saves lots of money.

Healthcare Systems - Are They Comprehensive and Effective?

Providing quality and effective health care is everyone's concern. This is true anywhere in the world, even in the United States. The government is constantly trying to initiate changes in the system that will ensure that health care is still provided comprehensively even with the onset of recession. The general public, on the other hand, is faced with worries about getting decent health care for themselves and their families. Employers are concerned with providing proper health care benefits to the employees and their dependents, while the medical practitioners are constantly looking for ways on how to be able to provide the best health care possible for their patients.

When someone is admitted to a hospital or a medical institution, this can cause worry for his family. They will definitely worry about his medical condition. The financial situation also comes into play. The little but important details about settling the bills, especially if you are using insurance can also cause stress and confusion. Although the coverage of the insurance is usually explained when it is availed, there is a lot more to learn and understand when it comes down to choosing the correct hospital or doctor and to ensure that hospital expenses are kept to a minimum.

The United States boasts of having one of the most advanced and comprehensive healthcare systems in the world. American citizens, in general, should be thankful for having sufficient healthcare plans, either through their personal funds or through their employers. This is applicable especially for those who are able to avail of private healthcare plans. However, we cannot say that this is true for everyone, especially those who are not eligible for government insurance. This may be due to one of the following reasons: the disease is not covered by the plan, or the family earns more than enough to qualify for government insurance, but earns less than how much is required for them to afford private insurance.

What Are the Best Health Care Systems in the World?

Health care reform is on everyone's mind these days. New proposals  are coming from the Senate and from the House. President Obama has made  reform a priority.

Universality of access to health insurance is the most pressing issue. Universal health care simply means coverage for all eligible residents of a political area. The United States is the only industrialized country that has not implemented a universal system for citizens under age 65.

Universal health care can be implemented in several ways. In some countries the government directly manages the health care system. This is usually called socialized medicine. In most countries universal coverage is achieved by a mix of public and private funding. Taxation is the primary source of funding but is supplemented by private payor arrangements.

In 2000 the World Health Organization (WHO) produced a report which ranked all the health insurance systems used by its member countries. The is the report usually quoted when discussing both the good and bad features of a health insurance system.

Problems with Our Health Care System

Given the enormous amount of money that is spent on our health care system and the research that has gone into the various diseases we would be excused if we think that there should be able to trust our health care system to deliver quality health care. Sadly, our Western health care system falls well short of what is desired. Instead of healing and health it largely delivers suffering and further disease. Mendelssohn as far back as 1979 (and he wasn't the first to suggest it) considers that the public has been 'conned' about the benefits delivered by 'scientific medicine'. There is a great deal of myth that surrounds our current system.

A part of the myth is that medical practice has produced an overall increase in health in the past one hundred years. However, historical analysis has found that general improvements in social and environmental conditions provide a more adequate explanation of the changes than the rise of 'scientific medicine'. Factors such as the improvement in diet and nutrition, sanitation and improved general living conditions have made the greatest difference.

Hospitals are deadly. Mistakes/errors, accidents, infections, medical drug disasters, diagnostic equipment including; X-rays, ultrasounds and mammograms make hospitals very dangerous. Hard technology has taken over the central role in modern medicine as it is considered effective and efficient. This has however been questioned. It is considered uneconomic and it also causes an unnecessary amount of pain and suffering. Accidents in hospitals now occur more frequently than in any other industry except mining and high rise construction. In addition to this are the medical doctor caused diseases. They are so common that they have their own name - iatrogenesis. Again the general public is unaware of how common this disease is. All told, iatrogenesis accounts for 784,000 deaths each year in the United States - more American deaths than all the wars of the 20th century combined. 98,000 deaths a year are caused by medical errors alone, and surgical errors account for another 32,000 deaths. These figures include only deaths. Officials admit that medical errors are reported in official data only 5 percent of the time, so the problem is much greater - exactly how much greater, no one really knows.